
Waiting on Him

I think it's quite ironic that my last post was about God's timing. I have been, to put it simply, blown away by my God's insanely Sovereign timing. The last few times I've glanced at that post, I've failed to be able to put into words how God has so beautifully worked in my life the last few months. According to His will. His timing. It's truly His and His only. And so perfect, so set apart from our humanity. I really did laugh when I re-read it for the first time. It's almost like God needed me to acknowledge His power and control and perfect timing before He said, "Ok, Shannon, you've got it. Now just keep trusting and waiting, because I've got something for you." There have been deep hurts in my life, too, no doubt. Deeper than I've felt in a while. But in the
midst I can't neglect the sight of His goodness in other areas of my life. And that, for me, is enough to know that He is Sovereignly good.
And He is faithful.
I'd been praying and thinking and hoping for something for so long. SO long. Literally DAYS after I posted my thoughts on God's timing (DAYS!), the subject of my prayers and thoughts and hopes kind of just ended up at my doorstep. Literally and figuratively. His blessing of relationship has been just that - a blessing. And had I not left it to His timing... well, I don't know what would have happened. But I've seen that, because of His timing, He's used it more than I could have ever hoped. I didn't know, 4 months ago, my future needs in one of my darkest moments this year... maybe ever. That future of mine, when this all started, wasn't seen by me. But it was seen by God. God's beautiful choreography can't even be touched by that example alone.
I am blessed.
Wholly and truly.
And when hurt comes, I hurt. But I also know. I know that He is here. He sees all and knows all. He knows when I sit and when I rise. He knows my thoughts from afar. He knows my words before a single one reaches my lips. And because of that, I can find comfort and I can find joy. I can know that He has both that aerial and inner-heart perspective of my life.
I look forward to the future.

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